103 Groups tell California's Governor Newsom to start reducing refinery production now. VIEW LETTER
Climate and Health Paths
in an Oil State
A Report by Greg Karras, G. Karras Consulting
prepared for Communities for a Better Environment
release date: July 6, 2020
Decommissioning California Refineries
We need to talk about how we are going to break free from our toxic relationship with oil before it takes us over a cliff.
Put formally, the scientific consensus that petroleum use must be cut rapidly to stabilize our climate at 1.5–2ºC above pre-industrial levels and proven alternatives to oil we have now beg a question. What could reverse the political inertia that has stalled action to replace oil with sustainable alternatives? This is now the urgent question upon which the continued existence of human societies as we know them may depend. Yet little formal attention has so far been paid to the site-specific conditions that affect societal capacity to escape oil dependence in time.
The research reported in Decommissioning California Refineries, done for the environmental justice group Communities for a Better Environment, reveals specific answers to the parts of this urgent question framed by communities in the dominant oil refining state on the U.S. West Coast: What is the least-impact, most socially just, most feasible path to climate and health protection in California?
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